
Summary Of The Sedition Act Violates The Bill Of Rights

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The article The Sedition Act Violates the Bill of Rights ,which is written by George Hay a Virginian politician, is a con written article about the Sedition Act. This article states that the Sedition Act is against the Constitution which is true (Dudley 84). Hay’s opposer, Chauncey Goodrich, authored an article called The Sedition Act Does Not Violate the Bill of Rights stating a pro position on the Sedition Act. His article states that the Sedition Act follows the Constitution which is false (Dudley 86).
George Hay stated in his article The Sedition Act Violates the Bill of Rights “The words, freedom of the press, like most other words, have a meaning, a clear, precise, and definite meaning, which the times require, should be unequivocally

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