This is a short story written by Peggy Orenstein, which begins as a reflection on an afternoon spent with her daughter when she realizes she can’t stay in the moment. She instead finds herself wanting to Tweet about it, this is a thought I have had on occasion, only for me it’s Facebook. This particular author unlike most of us can pinpoint the beginning of her addiction to Twitter it was to promote a book. For myself it was a long slippery slope, perhaps if you are like me it started with the game Candy Crush. This game allows you to see if you are ahead of or behind your friends, it also has the ability to ask for and receive help from these same friends.
The lure of all forms of social media is being connected with your friends, you like their post or tweets and they like what you post or tweet. The person you are becomes a persona of what you want your online society to perceive. Orenstein questions ‘how much was I shaping my Twitter feed, …show more content…
Orenstein also gives an example of the findings of interviews of 400 children conducted by Sherry Turkle. “The expansion of our digital universe has shifted not only how we spend our time but also how we construct identity. That the self is increasingly becoming externally manufactured rather than internally developed.” (6) She questions that “when every thought is externalized what becomes of insight? When friends become fans what happens to intimacy?”