Summary Of Total Eclipse By Annie Dillard
In Annie Dillard's “Total Eclipse” excerpt she definitely encourages the reader to experience a Total and Partial eclipse. Simply because she so descriptive starting with what color the sky was, to the scarf everyone had on. While maintaining focus on her personal experience painting out every thought and feeling felt in her mind during the moment. I do not know a thing about a Partial neither a Total eclipse but when it comes to the writer you notice the impact it had on her as a person to where she feels the need to point out how completely different they are. The Partial eclipse happened in 1970 probably when she was younger which explains why the moments described as a time when “The real light of day was lost or how it felt like her last
sane moment” something new. Now when it came to the Total eclipse it was more about the experience “Climbing up a 500 FT hill along a view of lusterless yellow air” coming with no surprise. At this point she was at a different place in her life also much older.