
Summary Of Treadwell: Bright And Dark Currin

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Summary Of Treadwell: Bright And Dark Currin
In Treadwell:Bright and Dark, Currin states in Treadwell’s life “her relationship with her absent father [and] her parents’ troubled marriage were all strong influences on her artistic vision”(Currin).This excerpt from the article shows that the impact of her father leaving her family and her mother's non existing ability to divorce him had “strong influences” on her writing. In the early stages of her life, even before she started making her career choices, she was influenced from seeing her mother’s weakness and struggles, to fight for women and give them a place in society where they shouldn’t have to rely on a man. Currin also states that“in an era when women’s rights were just emerging Treadwell quickly established a reputation in the male-dominated profession through her pieces.”(Currin)This quote supports the argument that Sophie had an impact on resisting social norms because she revolted the “social norms”. …show more content…
She shows in her actions that a woman can live in a man's world and do just as good as a man in his profession.Currin goes on explaining what influenced Sophie’s writings by stating that “in a society that neither valued the contributions of women nor respected them enriched many of her works”(Currin) Sophie Treadwell used many of her “downfalls” to her advantage; by having these ailments, it ignited her even more to prove to society that women can exists in a world where men are thought of as the “social dominant”. Using her downfalls brought upon her “best works” such as Machinal, which “stuck it to the man” known as the “achilles heel” to women, the male-dominated

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