This philosophy is the one in which opposition is seen as beneath notice, only an irritant to be ignored until it becomes a larger problem. Bell related this to hiking with a little sand in one’s shoes. If one only deals with opposition in order to scratch an itch, or relieve a minor injury, what learning process is occurring? Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints celebrate enduring to the end, overcoming what Shakespeare called, “the whips and scorns of time”, but that does not include opposition. Opposition is not always
This philosophy is the one in which opposition is seen as beneath notice, only an irritant to be ignored until it becomes a larger problem. Bell related this to hiking with a little sand in one’s shoes. If one only deals with opposition in order to scratch an itch, or relieve a minor injury, what learning process is occurring? Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints celebrate enduring to the end, overcoming what Shakespeare called, “the whips and scorns of time”, but that does not include opposition. Opposition is not always