who argue that text messaging is destroying the English language. At what point in the…
The article I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language, by John Humphrys, addresses text messaging as a threat to people's ability to engage formally in use of the English language; especially in the younger generation. John Humphrys takes a unique perspective when analyzing the practice of text messaging. Humphrys focuses on the present and mainstream uses of text messaging, without analyzing the historical processes and the language values of the so called text speak. This paper will argue against John Humphrys' claim. Text messaging is a valid form of language as it; has been created through historical and social processes; holds a set of unique and evolving characteristics; and therefore in no way harmful to the users' abilities to use the English language.…
The article “2b or not 2b?” by David crystal discusses the ways he thinks that texting will improve the language and not destroy it. So, he started off by talking about an article he read that is a counter idea to his point talks about how texting has affected the language and how it is making people decrease in the knowledge in grammar and spelling. Then moves on to state the idea of the other article which is that texting is being stated as a digital virus. Crystal discussed how texting began in the early 1990’s during this time you could only send 20 characters in length. Texting has been growing tremendously since then.…
John McWhorter present extensive arguments on the interpretation of texting. A lot of people believe texting is killing language, but that’s not the case. Like McWhorter states, “Texting is a new way of writing young people are creating”, and there is nothing wrong with that. The reason people say texting kills language, is because they compare it to writing. These people need to understand that texting and writing are not the same thing, each is a separate thing and do their own job. “WYD”, “LOL”, and “OMG” are just a few acronyms used in today's texting, all these acronyms do is shorten up the conversation. McWhorter makes an excellent point when he explains how people don't think about punctuation when they are speaking, so why think about…
In a newspaper article, John Humphrys once argued that texters are “vandals who are doing to our language what Genghis Khan did to his neighbors 800 years ago. They are destroying it: pillaging our punctuation; savaging our sentences; raping our vocabulary. And they must be stopped” (335). Many people agree with this idea, and believe that texting is ruining the English language.…
Texting helps us communicate with family, friends, or co-workers to get an idea through or a time to go to the mall or just saying that you're going to the person's house. On the other hand texting could be bad, in “Text-Speak Is Harming Teens’ Writing Skills”, it says that 13 year olds through 17 year olds sometimes use slang like LOL or UR2K meaning laugh out loud or you are to kind.…
Texting has for a long time been heralded as the demonized friend of the preteen middle schooler, the destroyer of all that is considered holy and well of the English language with its mess of letters, unpunctuated and lacking structure. Fueled on by media and a scholarly few, the idea took root that texting is a show of immaturity and illiteracy. The article “2b or Not 2b?” written by Professor David Crystal goes against this idea and tries its hand at tearing the stereotype apart. He explains that texting has created no new evil to the English language; abbreviated speech is not a stranger to the world in the slightest. Texting has only broadened the opportunities for linguistic creativity and expression.…
The author begins her argument by defining the term “Textspeak”. Textspeak is a new language that teenagers have invented through the use of texting. Textspeak uses a multitude of acronyms, such…
Text language has evolved rapidly over recent years with trillions of text messages sent each year. Until recently, text messages were relatively expensive to send and so users have developed various techniques to reduce the number of characters per text to ensure they are paying as little as possible. This report will investigate the effects of these devices with text messages as well as trying establish whether there is a link between the way people text and they way they speak. Finally, I will also explore some of the public attitudes to texting.…
Today in day’s people doesn’t communicate like we used to before texting were invented. As technology keeps advancing our language do too, most of the people don’t talk no more, people text instead. Back in the days we need it to wait months for letters sent over seas. Some people are happy that we don’t have to do that no more, now just using a Network can be send letters or important messages in 3 seconds. Some people are concerned that our new form of communication is destroying our language. Numerous authors had shared their points of view on the new trend of texting, some accept it, and others criticize it. As a reference John Humphrys, David Crystal and Louis Menand are some of the writers to judge the recent technology. I believe texting is a faster way to communicate, but without abbreviations, not if we’re trying to save the English language…
I'm two minds about how texting effects the english language.On the one hand, I gree that texting can be very creative and that the abbreviations we use in text massaging are nothing new, he gives use countless examples like ''IOU'' (I owe you), which is known from the year 1618 . On the other hand I'm not sure if these arguments can stand against the accusations that texting is destroying the english language. For me his arguments are not convincing enough. From my own experiences (english as a foreign language) it seemed pretty hard to understand and nonsense when I heard my friends actually talking the way they text usually, like saying ''cos'' instead of ''because'' or ''lol''. Text messaging is in this case no more just about texting, it actually effects also the way we talk.…
Text messaging is the central structure of communication for teennagers. While teens may think shortcuts are helpful they may not understand the damage they are doing to their writing. While older generations consider it to be degrading to the English Language, over half of teens have come to the conclusion that texting has made their writing inapplicable. Although to some teens, shortcuts and proper English can still be effective. Researchers show that text messaging has been proven to have a negative effect on society, and to the English Language.…
In John McWhoter’s article, “Is Texting Killing the English Language?” he examines how texting has incorporated into some people’s vocabulary today in America. Texting has affected not only word choice, but as well as how the words are perceived. For example, McWhoter uses the famous texting acronym “LOL”. “He…
So many people text nowadays and it’s become an important part in our lives, allowing us to contact anyone at any time. However some people, such as John Humphreys (a descriptivist), believe that it is demolishing our English language. Humphreys recently wrote an article called ‘I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language’ in which he states his strong views against texting. He firstly mentions how the ‘OED is at risk’ with over 16,000 words being changed to meet the demands of text talk, which in his eyes is ‘absurd little smiley…
I agree with Crystal on his thoughts on the influences that texting may have in our modern language and literacy. The texting language is constructing off of our language and is making it more complex not destroying it. Some people, however, may believe that texting is going to alter our language for the worse and create a generation of people much lazier with their spelling and grammar. I will say however that for kids and teenagers who are growing up texting and instant messaging, this form of language starts to become natural and can lead to becoming their primary form of writing.…