
Summary Of 'Utilitarian Argument' By Jonathan Wolff

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Summary Of 'Utilitarian Argument' By Jonathan Wolff
In chapter 2 of your textbook, Jonathan Wolff gives a formalized version of the utilitarian argument for the state. Please evaluate the first three premises of this argument: for each of these three premises, state whether you think that premise is true, and explain why or why not. For each of the three premises that you think is true, please also describe one objection to that premise, and explain why you think that the objection ultimately fails. Please assume that “state” in the formalized argument refers to a body that satisfies both of Nozick’s two necessary conditions of a state. If you choose this topic, you must reference both Wolff’s formalized argument (from either the textbook or the Topic 10.a lecture) and Nozick’s two necessary …show more content…
This premise I agree with. In the Chapter 5 lecture, Robert Nozick discusses two necessary conditions of a state: monopoly over legitimate force, and responsibility for “protecting everyone who resides within its borders”. Using those two conditions as a guide, the State does promote happiness better than the state of nature for many reasons. Being a part of the state gives individuals a better sense of security, community, and opportunity. Along with many other things. The state of nature has been described as a war of all against all. People are in constant fear, anything goes in the state of nature. Happiness is not a priority in the state of nature. The state of nature is about survival. Therefore, the second premise is …show more content…
Instead of a utilitarian state, a dictatorship may be an appealing idea. A state in which one person is making all the decisions without input or advice from anyone else. A dictatorship could incorporate aspects of a utilitarian state if the person in charge is exclusively making decisions and choices that align with what it means to be utilitarian. Making decisions that benefit the majority. Of course, this is never, or almost never, the case. I don't know a single example in history of a dictator being successful in anything besides promoting their own agenda, no matter the

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