1. What lessons does Merlyn teach Arthur in leadership through the animal transformations? Arthur’s time with Merlyn was often spent transforming into animals. The four we know of are the perch, Hawk, ant, goose, and badger.
Throughout these transformations, Arthur acquired a certain skill to help him be a better leader. While a fish he learns that being smart can help you, beat the bigger appoints who have less intelligence. He notices this when the ruler of the moat tries to eat Merlyn, but Merlyn was far smarter the dense fish. Next, Arthur is turned into a hawk where he learned to have proper etiquette. This is shown when the Peregrine Falcon is talking how all the birds have the respect for her and do as commanded. “Presently there was a gentle ringing of a bell. The great peregrine falcon …show more content…
had bestirred herself and now said, n a high nasal voice which came from her aristocratic nose, “Gentleman, you may now converse” (T.H.
White, pg.78). When Arthur is transformed into an ant, he see the loyalty the ants have in their queen. They are so loyal to their queen they follow rules that are very contradictive of each other. “A. We are more numerous than they are, therefore we have a right to their mash. B. They are more numerous than we are, therefore they are wickedly trying to steal out mash.” (T.H. White, pg.129) On the front of the nest there is a sign reading “EVERYTHING NOT FORBIDDEN IS COMPULSORY” (T.H. White, pg. 122) which this is there view on war. Next, is the goose. Here he learns that war is not always the answer. This is shown by the geese being self-dependent, but still working together and not arguing. This always the geese to live a happy peaceful life. Then, finally, the badger tells Arthur an intriguing story of why mankind is leader of the animals. Through this story, it shows Arthur that it is not always the answer to wage a war. Then Arthur argues that war is necessary, before Arthur leaves the badger
leaves Arthur with this question “ Which do you like best, the ants or the wild geese?” This is a question that Arthur easily knew the answer, the geese. All of these encounters lead up to King Arthur being the best king that England ever saw.
2. In what ways is Arthur a good man and king? What are some of his weaknesses? Arthur as he ages his wisdom and his use of power seems to grow. By this happening, he learns how to be a proper King and how to use his power correctly too. This is shown when Merlyn and Arthur are talking a little after he acquired the throne, “What are you doing here? What do you mean by it? Aren’t you the King of England? Go away and send for me! Get out of my room! I never heard such a thing! Go away at once and send for me!” (T.H. White, Pg.245) This shows in the being how Arthur is just realizing his power as the King of England. Then as time passes, he learns his power and how to use them by sending his knights on quest and waging war on other kingdoms. E falls short in one area in particular. This is ignoring the affair that Guenever, his wife, and Sir Lancelot. He often times would turn the check or act as if he did not notice anything. Overall thought King Arthur was a great king and his legend truly lived on.
3. Define Chivalry as stated in the dictionary. Give examples of how King Arthur’s introduction of chivalry changes behavior and attitud