fill lacked of labour, Canada should not more consider the language and country to screen immigrant. Secondly, the language is not a big problem for immigrants.
According to Friesen (2012) asserts “People who were very capable of learning...Even though not many spoke English, language as never really a problem", people have ability to learn the language, even though they cannot speak English or French. The language cannot become the factor to screen the immigrants. In "Should Canada Screen Immigrants Based on Language or Country?"(2012), Friesen describe that some provinces make the policy to attract the Ukraine who interested in living in their rural areas, they also attract more immigrant from Philippines that is not a traditional source country. This situation clearly shows that the country not a problem for
immigration. However, people must be acknowledged that similar language and culture will help immigrants easily to integrate into the local community. In "Should Canada Screen Immigrants Based on Language or Country?"(2012), Friesen provided an example about a Chinese immigrant Wade Sha. His English is not bad, but he believe that the language also is a problem for him, because his English has an accent, people and he does not know how to talk with people when they talk about hockey, because he does not understand this sport. This instance explains the language and culture may influence the immigrant to easily adjust him to integrate into the Canada. However, people believe that these are not big problems, people have ability to solve them. For example, local people who are neighbours or colleagues of new immigrants will help them to easily accommodate the new environment. To sum up, Canada should not screen immigrants by language and country. Simply because the Canada needs a flood of immigrants for its country develop. The reason is also that language and country is not a big problem for immigrants. Overall, the Canada will make the policy to attract the increasing number of people to immigrate to Canada.