
Summary Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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Summary Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai
Elyeth Buchanan
English 15

Working at McDonald's In the article “Working at McDonald’s” Amitai Etzioni talk about how many high school juniors and seniors students have a part time job. He goes on on explaining how specially places like McDonald’s are bad and non educational. The reasons he gives are, that how everything is setup in places like McDonald’s do not give teens room to be creative and think outside the box. Everything is already prescribe, he says “These are breeding grounds for robot working for yesterday's assembly line…” After that he goes on saying about how working deprive students from fully concentrating in school work. Students start working more hours, prioritizing work and leaving school behind. Another reason why the author is against teens working is that they
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Working is not bad for adolescents, it helps teenagers and young adults to value money. All their life they lived from their parents sweat and hard work. Having everything handed to them without any cost. When a teenager starts working and learns the cost of making a penny, them they start valuing the things they took for granted before. The sense of accomplishment they get from earning the money by themselves helps their self-esteem and confidence. About 80 percent of high school students hold a part time job by 11th and 12th grade. Yes many of the

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