Set in a time after the Zombie Wars, the book tells the story of a ruined world trying to pull itself back together after a catastrophic event. In the case of this book, the event is a zombie apocalypse. Told from the memories of survivors, an unnamed main character uses his audio recorder and interviewing skills to get stories from survivors, so no one will forget the war.
From the information collected by the interviewer, the reader can piece together a timeline of events. Though it is unclear how he got infected, the first reported zombie was a child in a small child in China. The virus then spreads, despite the cover-up the Chinese government tries to pull off, through human trafficking and refugees. Soon after, the world becomes aware of this and a fake cure gets put out, which only speeds up the spreading and causes the period of time, later referred to as the "Great Panic", to start, during which the world almost destroyed each other while trying to stop the disease. More and more events occur, that eventually lead to when the book is set, during the recovery. The world works together to kill the millions of zombies that are still around, even ten years after the end of the war.
The author’s purpose is to show how he believes people would act after a massive disaster that could have …show more content…
Especially at the beginning, when humans had no idea how to deal with them. One of the first appearances of zombies in America ends horribly as it results in a battle. This battle, later called The Battle of Yonkers, was a catastrophe as the soldiers thought they knew what they were doing, and when it became clear they did not, they panicked. As this event was being broadcasted live, it sent the world into hysteria. There is a period of time called the Great Panic specifically because of this