Mrs. Lisa Beutler Jones
CMST 101
October 1, 2013
Outside Speaker Critique I sat in on a lecture about HVAC on October 1. 2013 at 6:00 p.m. John Freeman was the speaker. He has been doing heating and air services for almost 29 years. In this lecture there were all men between the ages of 20 to 40. In the audience are five to seven different heating and air conditioning companies, one being Mr. Freemans. I am the only female. The purpose of this lecture was to inform workers about refrigerants and compressors. To begin his presentation Mr. Freeman nonchalantly talked to his audience about how work was, gas prices, how their day was. He did this to help bring a friendly atmosphere into the room. I believe he did a very good job at this. The audience was not talking until he did this very informal introduction. This helped get the audience involved and show that he genuinely cared for his audience. …show more content…
Freeman did do to help support main points in his presentation was to use a power point presentation. When he was talking about refrigeration systems he used the power point to help emphasize his point about using it and knowing how to use it properly. The speaker’s main points to someone on the outside are very confusing. Mr. Freeman did a very good job at explaining them. I, as someone the outside, began to understand why refrigerant is important. I also learned how important it is to know what you are doing before you do something. I can use this with my life.
Research and knowledge are traits you need to have and use every day. By doing this you can help to eliminate failure in your speeches and in life