
Summary: Slam-Dunking Nonconformity

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Slam-Dunking Nonconformity Conformity in the means of “complying with standards, rules, or laws,” can in some cases have people in shock when they're told they adhere to those circumstances. In other words, conformity can be good or bad; yet a lot of people don’t know that they are conforming. They simply do it subconsciously. The sheep in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, conform without complete clarity of what they’re doing. Whereas Allen Iverson, a retired NBA basketball player from Hampton, Virginia; did not conform to what society's expectations had set out for him. In the case of the sheep from Animal Farm, societal consequences occur with conformity, stifled free speech and with Allen Iverson, individual consequences occur in nonconformity. In the fable Animal Farm, the sheep were a prime example of …show more content…

The bleating of the sheep allowed Napoleon to go and interact with humans. This enabled Napoleon to trade with the humans. Although, the sheep's conformity resulted in consequences, so did Allen Iverson's nonconformity. Allen Iverson, also known as A.I., refused to conform in many different ways. In some of the ways he did not conform they resulted in bad consequences and others in good consequences. For example, Iversons appearance was not quite like the average basketball player. “He had multiple tattoos, freshly done cornrows, and baggy shorts. He was also only six feet tall. Now the average basketball player’s height is 6’7”. His appearance did not cause neither good nor bad consequences in the sense of punishments; though one bad consequence was the opinions of others on many aspects of how he lives. Because of his height, this caused conflicts with many different people on whether or not they believe he could make it in the NBA world. All things considered, Allen Iverson's actions did not always conclude bad opinions and accusations yet good ones

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