Contrasting and comparing the work of Harry Harlow (1962) with the work of Mary Ainsworth (1953) on understanding attachment in children, shows that attachment is not based in cupboard love (the provision of food by the mother or the primary care giver) but is mainly formed through contact comfort and the sensitive responsiveness to the child’s signals provided by the mother or by the primary care giver. Mary Ainsworth’s study and research called “Strange Situation” provides a time-saving and effective way of assessing attachment in children showing that different attachment categories develop under different situations and is also cross-cultural.…
Attachment theory is a psychological theory which investigates the bond between individuals; it in effect refers primarily to the relationship and bond between a baby and their primary caregiver. Early attachment research was conducted through experiments with animals. Dependency on a presence of another being as an infant is essential to survival within all species. As Psychoanalyst Winnicott (1964: p.88) observed…
Attachment is when you get a strong reciprocal, emotional bond between two people like with a mother and infant. The attachment acts as a basis for further emotional and psychological development. Following on from the study carried out by Schaffer and Emerson (1964) on the phases of development in attachment, Ainsworth and Bell (1978) investigated individual differences in attachment using the Strange Situation. They hoped that their method of assessing attachments would be a reliable and valid measure of attachments. The Strange Situation test lasted approximately 20 minutes and involved the observation of an American infant (12 to 18 months) in a controlled observation room. The procedure consisted of 7 stressful episodes each lasting 3 minutes, depending on the reaction of the infant. The first episode involved the infant exploring the room in the presence of the caregiver. A stranger then entered the room, followed by the discreet departure of the caregiver. The caregiver would then return, and the reaction of the child would be recorded. The stranger would then leave the room. There was 3 clear groups of infants from the recorded results that were collected. One group greeted the mother on her return, this shows that the child was securely attached. Another group showed distress all around the room and rejected the mother on return, this is called an insecure resistant child. The final type of child found from the results was a child that didn’t orientate the room in which they were in, and they didn’t show any interest in their mothers return. This is called an insecure avoidant child.…
Bowlby’s theory is an evolutionary theory because, in his view attachment is a behavioural system that has evolved because of its survival value and, ultimately, its reproductive value. According to Bowlby, children have an innate drive to become attached to a caregiver because attachment has long-term benefits. Both attachment and imprinting ensure that a young animal stays close to a caregiver who will feed and protect the young animal. Thus attachment and imprinting are adaptive behaviours. Infants who do not become attached are less likely to survive and reproduce. Attachment ‘genes’ are perpetuated, and infants are born with an innate drive to become attached.…
The psychodynamic approach analyses the psyche (your mind) i.e. it breaks down into constituent parts such as the id/ego/superego…
The learning theory, firstly proposed by Dolland Miller (1950) argues that attachment is a form of nurture and so is learnt. Behaviourists came up with the idea that it is learnt either through classical or operant conditioning. The learning theory was introduced by behaviourists who base most of their explanation on the effects of nurturing. They proposed that all behaviour is learned rather than inborn and In terms of attachment, through either classical or operant conditioning. Psychologists have based their explanation of attachment on Pavlov’s experiments into classical conditioning. They argue that for infants the sensation of hunger and the need for food is an unconditioned stimulus and producing a sense of pleasure happens when the baby receives food. The baby then has an unconditioned response to receiving food. The person who produces the food becomes associated with the pleasure the baby feels. If that is repeated enough the baby then reacts in a similar way to the mother as it does to food, even in the absence of food. The baby then learns to become attached to the mother.…
Bowlby's attachment theory identifies three types of internal working models underpinning three basic infant attachment styles which were later translated empirically by Mary Ainsworth (1989) into infant attachment classifications. The attachment theory relies on the assumption that these internal working models are stable over time and enduring, hence each type of Ainsworth's infant attachment types can be associated with their related adult attachment styles (Wood, Littleton, Oates, 2007). Also it counts on the premise that having established a robust internal working model during early childhood, one is then bound to have 'healthy' relationships in adulthood (Wood, Littleton, Oates, 2007).…
Ainsworth ‘Strange Situation’ study aim was to investigate what type of attachment the infants had to their caregiver. Therefore, Ainsworth used 12 to 18 months infants in an experiment to test this. Ainsworth had several conditions to allow the observer to identify what reaction the infants are showing and hence, which attachment type. In a play area room, the infant and mother spent some time playing, suddenly the mother leaves (reaction of baby will be observed), then she will come back and reaction of the baby will be analysed again. Then a stranger will enter the room (analysing the infants reaction and behaviour), then mother leaves (analysing the infant reaction and behaviour) and mother enters again. Ainsworth found that there are three types of attachment, 70% were secure attachment, 15% insecure avoidant and 15% insecure ambivalent (resistant).…
This essay describe the importance and results of parents impact on their children's social development, which involves children learning values, knowledge and skills enabling them to relate to others effectively. Furthermore, describing the role of parents, what influences that role, parents as role models and how parents implement different parenting styles and their impact? As well as focusing on children's first relationships, attachments and how they relate to others as they develop towards adulthood.…
There are many factors that contribute to the theory of attachment. One of many different behavior patterns, attachment, seems to develop in a variety of ways due to the interaction of nature and nurture. Mary Ainsworth, who researches different aspects of attachment, defines attachment as “an emotional tie formed between one animal or person and another specific individual.” Chris McCandless displayed many different attributes that would make one believe that he has multiple different types of attachment disorders. One would be that throughout the movie you can feel the anger and resentment that he has towards his parents, you get the sense that he wants absolutely nothing to do with them. But even though he does not have a well-rounded relationship with his parents he is still able to have a functioning relationship with his sister. He is able to communicate with her in ways that he has never been able to with his parents and that is a very vital factor in the movie because Chris comes off as very independent yet he takes on a somewhat parenting role for her. Another factor is that Chris is more of a traditionalist; he doesn’t like to live the modern day lifestyle like his parents do and that is where they clash the most. Their viewpoints are complete opposites. It seems to me as if it has been a constant battle in their relationship so once he graduated he began to rebel. Instead of doing what the typical teenager would do, talking back and staying out past curfew, he runs away and drops off of the grid. Chris was seeking the ultimate isolation and freedom, to where there were no rules, money, bills, or anything.…
This is characterised by the child keeping at a distance from the caregiver, and displaying little distress at separation. This occurs when the primary care figure is inconsistent, and does not provide the child a secure base (Passer & Smith 2013, p. 432).…
The topic of teen pregnancy has been studied in a variety of areas, but much of the research focuses on the teen mother. According to Allen & Doherty (1996), “Compared with adolescent mothers, relatively little is known about adolescent fathers.” Parenthood seems to be the sole responsibility of the teen mother. When exploring teen pregnancy one group that is held to minimal standards, and seen to be absent in the parenting process is the teen father. Research has been conducted on African American fathers with respect to their lack of presence in the lives of their children, the negative effects to children due to their absence, lack of provision for their children, and child support issues (Bronte-Tinkew, Scott, & Lilia, 2010; Coles, 2009a; Gursimsek, 2003; Krampe & Newton, 2006).…
For this assignment, I am choosing to write about the Attachment Theory, because the concepts of this theory had captured my attention during class. The Attachment Theory was discovered by John Bowlby, which he had examined and analyzed the relationships between a child and their caregiver. Bowlby was attempting to understand the extreme distress from infants, who had been separated from their parents, which left the infants in discomfort. The most important stages of the Attachment Theory is during the first nine months of the infant’s life, when the bond of the newbond and caregiver must be endless, to create a trust and hopeful relationship. A child without a caregiver will likelyhood have relationship issues with another human being or…
When reading the article and the definitions of Attachment based on Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth we can debate the fact that how we make attachments plays a key role in the future as adults. Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. He suggested attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child 's chances of survival. We can learn that Attachment theory is focused on the relationships and bonds between people, particularly long-term relationships including those between a parent and child. The central theme of attachment theory is that primary caregivers who are available and responsive to an infant 's needs allow the child to develop a sense of security. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world. It is through his studies and clinical work that we can understand that early childhood experiences have an important influence on development and behavior later in life.…
The security of attachment in one- to two-year-olds was investigated by Ainsworth and Bell (1970) in the 'strange situation' study, in order to determine the nature of attachment behaviors and styles of attachment. Ainsworth (1970) developed an experimental procedure in order to observe the variety of attachment forms exhibited between mothers and infants. The experiment is set up in a small room with one way glass so the behavior of the infant can be observed. Infants were aged between 49-51 weeks of age. The sample comprised about 56 white middle class American families. The procedure, known as the ‘Strange Situation’, was conducted by observing the behavior of the infant in a series of seven 3-minute episodes, as follows:…