They pointed to poverty, illiteracy, lack of sanitation, and lack of industrialized advancements. ( Jajasuriya,Griffiths, and Rigoni 1984, p 17). These factors are important in understanding the motivation for the Nestlé Boycott. The infant formulas were not the direct cause of infant morbidity and mortality; rather it was the poor operation and lack of convenience of formula usage. Both the infant formula producers and advocates of breastfeeding agreed that that breast-milk was the best form of nourishment that a baby could receive. Alternative infant formula was only meant to supplement breastfeeding, follow-up successful breastfeeding, or replace breast-milk when the mother was unable to …show more content…
At the end of the two year trial in 1976 the judge did rule in favor of Nestlé, saying the title “Nestle totet Babys” was libelous, because it implied a deliberate intention to kill or culpable negligence, as opposed to a general moral responsibility. The evidence of product misuse as a direct cause of disease was accepted by the judge, but he noted that the Company could not be held legally responsible for