The task of getting vaccinated is something that most of us, if not all of us, have undertaken over the course of our lives. It is likely that we all have memories of going to …show more content…
Randomness is a fundamental constant in the universe and no one can be completely sure about anything for something can possibly go wrong in all situations. It is argued that since vaccines sometimes can cause brain inflammation that vaccines are a direct link to autism and brain damage. However, researchers at both the Center for Disease Control and John Hopkins University of Public health reject the idea that vaccinations cause autism and go as far as to say that “ [the] theory of vaccine-related causation is scientifically unsupportable.” Many researchers have ruled out that vaccinations have a link with children developing autism or suffering from brain damage and refute the idea that vaccinations have anything to do with the diagnosis of autism. Although many professionals agree that vaccinations have no relation to autism or brain damage, the belief that they do continues to turn parents away from vaccination along with their religious