Terry L. Bailey
PS 531 Co-Occurring Disorders and Treatments
Amanda Graham
August 11, 2015
Kaplan University
This paper will examine the case study of Barbara, a 29-year old single Hispanic female who presents with nervous episode, appearing to have an anxiety disorder. Additionally, she is also a mental health counselor which raises various legal and ethical concern regarding herself and her client. Discussion will include a completed assessment of the client, the client’s diagnosis, level of risk, and formulation of a treatment plan. Additionally, the writer will address the epidemiological implication of this client’s treatment, legal, socio-cultural and ethical considerations …show more content…
She presents with a chief complaint of increased frequency of “nervous episodes”. Additionally, Barbara has experienced shortness of breath and chest pain for which her primary care physician has been unable to identify a medical reason for her symptoms. Barbara has proven to be diagnostically difficult. Barbara has been experiencing the nervous episodes over an extended period of time and disclosed that when she is left at home alone, she becomes increasingly anxious to the point of ruminating about having an episode and possibly passing out while no one is around to help her. The episodes have interfered with her everyday life as she has stopped driving due to the fear of having an episode while driving. Barbara now has to rely on her mother or others to drive her to work. . According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), Barbara’s symptoms are consistent with one of the criteria for separation anxiety disorder- “persistently and excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone or without major attachment figures at home or without significant adult in other settings” …show more content…
There are apparent psychosocial and environmental issues within her case; there is no absence of primary support, however; Barbara exhibits clear signs of social problems related to being alone (APA, 2013). Barbara is of the Hispanic culture where social interaction on all levels is culturally normal. This normalcy includes romantic relationships for which Barbara has none.
Risk Assessment As Barbara’s presentation is diagnostically difficult she will a series of testing an assessment. As she is shown a strong connection with her parent, they should receive extensive interviews to identify any issues that Barbara may not have revealed and determine the level of support they are willing to