
Summary: The Farce Of Feminism

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In what way do you believe feminism has helped or hurt today’s woman?
Feminism was created to promote equality between the genders. It was established to benefit the women and make them equals to men; however it failed to do so. The feminist women were just seen as rebels; feared and disliked by many. Maybe this fear was needed in the people’s minds to keep the women safe. Although their ideas did not benefit the modern woman too much, rather it hurt them.
The article written by Linda M. Hasselstrom, “A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun” has shown the reader how tough life was for that woman. The issues she went through were just her personal bad luck. Now this writing is seen as feminist, portraying a sense of insecurity for women, causing them to be hostile against men everywhere. Now men cannot be blamed for something a group may have done. It generalizes the male gender, and also
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Rubins’s article, “The Farce of Feminism” she clearly states, “Feminism is outdated, misdirected ideology that perpetuates the very ills it condemns and harms women much more than it helps them” (560). Women use feminism as a façade to hide the real problems and difficulties. Women are overpowered by these active feminists and begin to believe that lives are miserable, instead of making it better for themselves, they complain about what they don’t have. In doing so it hurts today’s woman and destroys her self-esteem. These women become more angered due to the damage to their self-esteem, they come out too strongly onto men, which cause men to move back a step and fearing these feminists, as opposed to believing their ideas and supporting them. Although the fundamental principles of feminism are based on liberating the women as a whole; however, radicals over time have misinterpreted it and used it as a weapon to control the minds of the young women into believing differently than reality, causing these young women to turn into vicious

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