Mrs. Baker
English 4
14 November 2014
I Pledge
The Net Neutrality Debate The Internet has always been thriving with innovation. These innovations have integrated themselves into the daily lives of people everywhere. Innovations, such as YouTube and Twitter have become a huge part twenty-first century living. However, the period of innovation on the Internet may be coming to an end unless something is done. The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposal, as of May 15, 2014, potentially authorizes Internet Service Providers to cater to those who are willing to pay for faster speeds (Ammori). This threatens economic and innovative growth due to larger companies getting the edge over other smaller companies by paying for faster …show more content…
In Senator Al Franken’s speech, “Net Neutrality: The Free Speech Issue of our Time”, Franken delivers an example of net neutrality enabling innovation. The Senator tells the story of Google TV, and now the hugely popular video sharing website YouTube came to be. Before there was YouTube, there was Google TV, which was not exactly efficient. Google TV lacked the capabilities and efficiencies that YouTube possessed. When YouTube came along with its better interface and video capabilities, users could tell that it was the superior website due to both being on a level playing field. Since both websites traveled at the same speed, users were able to choose between the two. Without net neutrality, users would not have been able to decide which video platform was more efficient. This is one of the many instances where net neutrality enables …show more content…
Groups like the Internet Association and the Fight for the Future Organization are going head to head with the big telecom and cable monopolies by spreading the news and encouraging others to join in on the fight. However, the controversy should not end at discarding the Federal Communication Commission’s proposal. There should also be a push for the establishment and enforcement of improved net neutrality regulations which would be equally applied to everyone (Brunius). The extinction of net neutrality is imminent unless the masses fight for their right to an open and neutral Internet. By keeping competitors on an even playing field, net neutrality helps to ensure innovation and fair business across the Internet. Net neutrality has become a hugely important platform in aiding the economy while ensuring competition between businesses, keeping innovation burgeoning, and keeping the First Amendment relevant in the twenty-first