In the video “The Science of Shopping and Future of Retail” Devora Rogers addresses the current trend in shopping in addition to some of the ways this practice has incorporated decision-making. During her speech, the narrator provided an insight into shoppers’ decision-making procedures slightly before purchasing a given item. In reference to the information shared by Rogers, it is certain that in the past, buyers spent little time on limited sources to inquire about products, which they intended to buy. This science of buying goods has transformed over time and it is bound to make further alterations over the next years. Currently, Rogers and her team discovered that consumers apply around 10 sources
In the video “The Science of Shopping and Future of Retail” Devora Rogers addresses the current trend in shopping in addition to some of the ways this practice has incorporated decision-making. During her speech, the narrator provided an insight into shoppers’ decision-making procedures slightly before purchasing a given item. In reference to the information shared by Rogers, it is certain that in the past, buyers spent little time on limited sources to inquire about products, which they intended to buy. This science of buying goods has transformed over time and it is bound to make further alterations over the next years. Currently, Rogers and her team discovered that consumers apply around 10 sources