The inability to recall what they have had to eat or even forgotten they had eaten…
1.3 – Explain why depression, delirium, and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia…
Having Challenges in Planning or Solving Problems and Decreased or Poor Judgement skill are not symptoms of Alzheimer’s or related dementias.…
1) Hypothesize the ways in which damage to various parts of the brain might affect a person’s behavior and abilities.…
This legislation affects and supports people with dementia as it has different laws. Some of these laws are things like helping people to wash and dress themselves. This helps people with dementia, as when it becomes advanced they lose their fine motor skills and they find it difficult to do simple tasks like fasten buttons and hold things, so it also makes it hard for them to wash. They have carers that will do this for them and help them do it. The legislation affects the patients care as the carer has to follow rules, such as making sure that the patient has privacy and dignity, such as washing them where nobody can see them and undressing them where they can’t be seen by other people. If this legislation wasn’t in place it would affect the person with dementia as they could be washed anywhere, and this could be in front of other people, which would mean that their body is exposed. This legislation also makes sure that people (who have had any mental disorders, are disabled or have had an addiction to drugs or alcohol) have suitable accommodation to stay in. As dementia is classified as a mental disorder, this act makes sure that they are living somewhere suitable, and it also makes sure that people with dementia are treated equally.…
In this part of the essay I will evaluate how different approaches to caring for people with dementia can affect individual outcomes. I will evaluate the difference of someone living at home with dementia and someone who is living in a care home also suffering with dementia.…
for England (QCF) Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for Wales and…
1.1Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells and in many ways, from alcoholism, brain injury, drug abuse, side effects to medications, depression, age, thyroid function abnormalities, and vitamin B12 deficiency. Alzheimer’s Dementia is caused by a build-up of proteins which the body no longer breaks down and this affects the transmission of signals.…
Although dementia is often viewed as an “old person’s” disorder, it affects ripple down in many directions such as to family, caregivers, finances, and the healthcare system, leaving behind many unanswered questions and confusion for all. Based on research and information reported by experts in many fields, this paper will explore the different aspects surrounding dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s Disease, with…
Enhancing dignity in the care of people with dementia Professor Lesley Baillie Florence Nightingale Foundation Chair of Clinical Nursing Practice, London South Bank University and University College :London Hospitals Plan Types of dignity • Human dignity: the dignity that all humans have and cannot be taken away • Social dignity: experienced through interaction - dignity-of-self and dignity-inrelation (Jacobson 2007) • So for people with dementia: • We must acknowledge and respect their human dignity • We must recognise how their dignity is affected by how they feel and by our interactions with them What is the meaning of dignity? How does it feel to have dignity?…
Dementia is a term describing a wide range of symptoms associated with the decline of the memory, or other cognitive or sensorial skills that reduce a person’s ability to perform day by day activities. This term refers to Alzheimer disease, Vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakobs disease, Huntington’s disease in the same time.…
Dementia is a term used for over 130 diseases that effect memory, behaviour and motor skills. Causes of these diseases may vary but are largely caused by the presence of 'plaques' and 'tangles' on the neurons in the brain. Plaques are proteins that the body can no longer break down which causes a build up, they get between the neurons and confuses message transmissions. The tangles are the proteins inside neurons that become abnormal. In Korsakoff's disease long term abuse of alcohol is usually to blame. In vascular dementia, strokes and blood clots cause neurons to function abnormally to the effected area of the brain, which is usually at the front of the skull above the eyes, this effects inhibition and judgement. Causes of Lewy dementia is usually caused by abnormal clusters of proteins on parts of the brain that cause Parkinson like symptoms. Whereas Pick's disease will usually occur after heavy trauma to the front section of the brain, the disease starts out with personality and behavioural changes shortly followed by memory loss. Although dementia is not nessisarily hereditary if a parent has a form of dementia a child is more likely to develope it in their lifetime.…
Dementia is not a disease but a group of conditions resulting from a disease such as Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia or a group of symptoms which may result from age, brain injury, confusion, difficulty in performing day to day or familiar tasks, changes in personality, mood and behaviour. Dementia is a condition in which there’s a gradual loss of brain function, it is a decline in cognitive/intellectual functioning. Dementia causes permanent and progressive damage to the brain.…
As your body begins to age, your brain begins to age as well. Early in life, Alzheimers Disease (AD) is affecting approximately one out of eighty-five people, possibly including your own grandparents. Research indicates this disease is associated with plaques and tangles in the brain itself.…
Meta Description: When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s it is wise to find the best care option early on. Get to know your care options in this helpful article.…