Political Science
Too Stupid for Democracy?
The principle of the Salon article, “Are Americans too stupid for Democracy?”, is that American citizens aren't stupid, just uneducated on political issues to form a democracy. The problem lies not on the voter, but on the question itself. Since the United States was founded it has always been a constitutional republic. The word democracy isn't even mentioned once in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. The founding fathers did not have in anyway a democracy in mind for how government was to rule. The founding fathers saw that a democratic government could either become too weak in managing the people or overpowered in ruling, but understood that in a democracy the only thing that could take away the freedom of the people is their ruling government. This is why America was built on a …show more content…
In reality the top 1% of Americans own 35.4% of the America’s overall wealth. The article gives the impression that Sweden has a more stable and equal economic system, when in reality Swedish economics include the world's highest tax rate of 55% giving the people of Sweden only 45% economic freedom. This 55% does not include sales tax, tariffs, and property taxes the people of Sweden pay. The whole system in Sweden does not involve freedom at all. The people are working for the government which owns 64% of public goods and is closing in on 70%. The people have no incentive for new technology and improving living because they work for the government and their wealth is redistributed without their say on who gets it. Why on earth would a citizen of Sweden have any incentive to build anything or create something new? Sweden will be left behind in moving forward simply because their government smothers their citizens of any freedom and any incentive to progress. Sweden is just implementing a modern form of