Summary: Understanding Rhetoric
The second Thing I Learned from Issue 3 in the book Understanding Rhetoric Even though using long words, complex sentences, or metaphors could make the writing better for some audience. However, a large number of audience would prefer a simple or graphical writing which would help them to understand complex ideas in shorter time. An example of that would be the book character in the rye by Holden Caulfield, in which he used a very simple language or “street language” which the majority of teenagers would understand and love to read. However, the context were not simple, he wrote an autobiography about his life time which had many major events like world war II and many other interesting events. Also, it allowed him to express his anger,
love, hate, desire, lost, lioness, and many other felling throw his writing. Another example would the book Understanding Rhetoric, in which the author explained one of the most important strategies in writing in a picture book. The book was addressed to college freshmen students which wasn’t aphrodite level of reading. However, such a book would make students understand the message a lot easier.
In conclusion, writing a simple book would make it more readable and allow the author to be able to express his massage in better way. However, there has to be somebooks with higher reading level otherwise people will become Illiterature or something similar.