September- September was a month of sadness and misery, I had to go back to school! In addition, my mother passed away last year. Furthermore, my dad was about to lose his home and he was thinking about moving me into a foster care system because he couldn't provide for me. All of those things were stressful and it pulled me down to the ground. School was cheerful and …show more content…
a victim of bullying!
Special News Report
A victim of bullying committed suicide at age 12. He shot himself in the face, due to bullying. He left a diary for the world to know his story! Please share this, this needs to get across the world!
R.I.P the boy who committed suicide.
The end result- bullying rates decreased, each state has a law banning bullying within school, and Roger is now a holiday on December 31, called Roger ANTI BULLYING!