Linear Programming Approach for Irrigation Scheduling – A case
H. MD. AZAMATHULLA, Senior Lecturer, River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre
(REDAC), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia; email:, (author for correspondence)
AMINUDDIN AB GHANI, Professor, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email:
NOR AZAZI ZAKARIA, Professor, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email:
CHANG CHUN KIAT, Science Officer, REDAC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, email:
There is an increasing awareness among irrigation planners and engineers to design and operate reservoir systems for maximum efficiency to maximize their benefits. Accordingly, significant work has been done on reservoir operation for known total irrigation demand and on the optimal allocation of water available to crops at the farm level.Very few studies have been conducted to derive optimal reservoir operation policies integrating the reservoir operation with the on-farm utilisation of water by the various crops. This present paper deals with the development of model -- Linear Programming (LP) -- to be applied to real-time reservoir operation in an existing Chiller reservoir system in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Cropping pattern, Water resource management, Irrigation management, Optimization
In most developing countries, a huge share of the limited budget goes to creating facilities for irrigation.
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According to the World Commission on Dams, many large storage projects
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