An Internship report
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
The Degree of Masters of Science
Accounting & Finance
Session (2008-2010)
Department Of Accounting & FinanceKinnaird College for Women, Lahore
Executive summary
“The purpose of study was to know about SUMMIT BANK LIMITED and to analyze the financial statement. “
In this report the Summit Bank’s history, mission, vision and services as well as management is mentioned. After this the analysis of financial statements is conducted which shows where the Banks is standing.
Banking sector of Pakistan has been transformed within a short period of 5 years from a sluggish and Government dominated sector to a much more agile, competitive and profitable industry.Speed and sequencing of banking sector transformation and its role in promoting economic growth is now a leading story of a sector succes.Within Pakistan SBP offers a story of what effective leadership of regulator and change management and corporate governance can achieve and offer.Outside pakistan it is serving to offer rich lessons in what difference governance of regulator can make and how bank restructuring and privatization can change the lanscape of of the industry.
Summit Bank Limited started operations in August 2006 and became a profitable entity within one year.AHBL had started off with a high capital base and is positioned to take advantage of the business synergies and complementaries afforded to it by its sponsoring group.The bank has a quality management team, a first class technology platform, and commitment to global practices.Its business strategy is based on the “block-building” principle wherein profitable niches are tapped progessively.
I did my 12 weeks internship in Summit Bank Limited Multan Road Branch.During internship I was rolled over in departments.
Summit Bank made heavy investments towards enhancing its capabilities in the area of