The Siberian Ice Maiden is a 2400 year old mummy from Siberia, whose preserved corpse was discovered by Archaeologists excavating in the Altai Mountains, near the Chinese border. The Ice Maiden was discovered in 1993 during a process of a dig led by Natalya Polosmak, of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.…
Carlina Renae White, also known as Nejdra Nance is an American woman who solved her own kidnapping case and 23 years later was reunited with her biological parents. Her case represents the longest known gap in a non-parental abduction where the victim was reunited with the family in the United States. When Carlina was only nine days old, her parents, Joy White and Carl Tyson, took her to the hospital because of the 104 degree fever she was running on august 4, 1987. She had swallowed fluid during her delivery and now had an infection. A woman reportedly dressed as a nurse had comforted the parents at the hospital, but was not an employee of the hospital. The woman had been seen around the hospital three weeks…
This quotation written by Hampton Sides in the book The Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette, signifies the degree of difficulty Captain George De Long will face to overcome the biggest challenge of his journey: the Kuro Siwo. The inclusion of the current’s meaning, “Black Current” (Sides 100), begins the dark and dangerous tone upon Kuro Siwo. The author’s usage of the “b” and “d” alliteration in “blue-black color, deep, and dark” (Sides 101), intensifies the ominous and brooding mood. The powerful diction continues as the current is revealed to be “inexorabl[e]” (Sides 101), providing to the strength Kuro Siwo possesses. The author later explicitly states that the current “could be seen as a clear line…
During the “ Hungry Winter of 1944-45, food supplies were exhausted, with many people reduced to…
Abusive relationships are not always easy to see. On the outside looking in, things can seem normal but underneath the makeup and long sleeves the ugly truth can be revealed. In the poem “Photograph: Ice Storm, 1971”, found in Natasha Trethewey’s collection of poems Native Guard, depicts Trethewey’s resentment towards her stepfather for abusing her mother through the use of vivid imagery and tone shifts throughout this short piece. This poem is about a photograph taken of Natasha Trethewey with her mother and stepfather outside of their home after a violent ice storm caused their house to lose power and kept everyone inside for days. Outside the background is depicted as a majestic scene that beauty masks Trethewey’s mother’s suffering. This poems main goal is to show that photographs are not always as they appear to be. Even in a perfect family photo she sees how obvious her mothers suffering is and the memory of that miracles day is shattered by her abusive stepfather.…
Overlaps Beware Falling Ice a little. This is Lynn's story, who we meet in Beware Falling Ice. Paul had to say good-bye to her two years earlier when his wife (who had given them permission to be poly and play together) had a mental breakdown. (NOT cheating, they'd had permission to be poly, and that's in the past and had happened before this book opens.) Now, he's back, divorced since his wife refused to get help and uphold her promises to him, and wants to make amends and regain Lynn's trust. Meanwhile, Lynn had literally hit Powerball, and travels to South Dakota with her friend, Terrie, to help Rachel's brother Justin (from Beware Falling Ice) move. She finally calls Paul and flies him up to have alone time with him and talk it out. But…
[1] A specialist who evaluates and treats patients with speech, language, cognitive-communication and swallowing disorders in individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly.…
Buried in the cold, hard ice, Otzi the iceman and his death would soon be one of the most significant mysteries in history. Many scientists have many different theories about how Otzi the iceman died; human sacrifice; battle and head trauma, but what really happened was Otzi died of hand to hand combat from someone he knew. Anyone that did not know Otzi was a character of importance would have seen and taken the rare ax that was in Otzi’s possession, which points to the first piece of evidence: the copper ax. 5000 years ago, many people were identified by the possessions they had, and in this case, Otzi was identified by his copper ax. This proves that he was killed by someone he knew because anyone else would have taken it not knowing who…
The overall structure and plot of the story plays a part in how Wolff viewed his own life within the characters. It opens with a simple yet intriguing statement: "Tub had been waiting for an hour in the falling snow" (Wolff 1). Immediately, this hook does its job drawing the reader into the story and making him wonder what is going on. In the same paragraph we find that Tub is walking down the street, carrying a rifle and seemingly, shooting the breeze. But then a car comes from nowhere, nearly killing Tub and forcing him to leap off the roadside. Inside the truck, Tub's friends, Kenny and Frank, wait laughing at the apparent "joke" that they had just played. Tub doesn't seem quite as amused, stating, "You could've killed me!" (Wolff 5). Then, the three friends begin to make their way towards the woods to go hunting for…
Continually quoting Luke 6:38, Matt was becoming rich and was supposedly give $5,000 to 5 people. Matt was cheerful and ready to give. The fact that Matt didn't like to see anyone struggle, because he know where he had been through. Matt started to meditate on that particular scripture and began to think about the 5 people that he was going to give the money to. While riding through town, Matt saw more than 5 people that was homeless. So, he decided to not leave anyone out. After making this big decision, Matt felt confident about it. He knew that he was going to get more than enough back.…
Cassie’s eyes got big as the blood pooled in my hand. She grabbed the knife and slashed her palm, ‘I bet I’ll be skinnier than you.’…
As a contributing writer for the New York Times, Peggy Orenstein stresses in her article, Cinderella and Princess Culture, that the "princess craze" and "girlie-girl" culture is ruining young girls as they feel constantly pressured to be perfect. Orenstein also recognizes the fact that large companies like Disney are responsible for pushing the princess craze.…
There are two types of tundras, Arctic Tundra and Alpine Tundra. They both make up about 20% of the earth's surface. The southern limit of Arctic tundra follows the northern edge of the coniferous forest belt. In North America this line lies above latitude 60° N, while in Eurasia most of it occurs north of 70° N. Tundra is about 3 million square miles long and covers about 20% of the earth's surface.…
The family benefits from Lina’s mother’s calmness by not having to worry as much. They were able to stay calm and pack up their belongings. Their mother’s calmness also prevents them from becoming scared. They did what the officers told them instead of rebelling. Yes, I consider Lina’s mother breaking the dishes an act of rebellion. She knew what they were going to do with the dishes if she did not break them. She loved her dishes and didn’t want the Nazi’s to use, sell, or profit from them. In my opinion, her reaction is appropriate. The Nazi’s did nothing to earn those items. She had the right to do break the dishes because they were coming to take away her and her family. She is trying to control the situation by breaking her china instead…
Mrs. Loise Mallard husband, Brently Mallard, has died in a train accident, according to a report received at a newspaper office.…