Super PACs or Super Political Action Committees are “a type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates” –Oxford Dictionaries
How did Super PACs come to be?
Political Action Committees have been around for decades. However, prior to 2010, PACs were only allowed to accept up to $2,500 per individual. Corporations and labor unions were NOT allowed to make contributions in any form or fashion. This money could then be given to political campaigns to be used for promoting their candidate. However two Supreme Court cases changed that in 2010. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruled that a television advertising for Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" was legal despite Citizens United’s protest that it unfairly and illegally advocated against the re-election of George Bush. Later that year, v. FEC led to the ruling that the creation of independent expenditure-only groups, or Super PACs was constitutional so long as they did not coordinate directly with parties or candidates. Thus, the Super PAC was born.
Who manages Super PACs?
Congress, the Supreme Court and the Federal Election Commission (FEC), control super PACs.
What should be done about Super PACs?
Although the Supreme Court was responsible for the Citizens United case that allows Super PACs to accept unlimited sums of money, Congress has the power pass legislation that would prohibit these organizations. Furthermore the Supreme Court has the power to reverse its previous rulings in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and v. FEC. Lastly, the FEC has done a poor job of enforcing the rules that are in place regarding super PACs.