The ad starts out with 3 men sitting on a couch, with one talking about how he "might just chill tonight," in other words, they don't really have plans. Then a creature that has the legs of a baby, the body and tail of monkey, …show more content…
It looks as if it will go down as the strangest ad in Superbowl 50. Now, is that a good thing? Not necessarily. To explain, if an ad is found by the viewers as confusing, or strange, then that means they really aren't motivated to buy your product. The add may have been found entertaining by a younger audience, but here's the thing. That's just the younger audience, while still a large demographic and probably the biggest seller to kickstart, the ad really didn't give much motivation to buy a kickstart. It more focused on the little character they had created, and then tried to compare to their product at the end, which on paper, seems rather foolproof. Unfortunately, the overall obscurity and unfamiliarity of the character almost overpowered the analogy they were trying to convey. In conclusion, the puppy monkey baby commercial was too strange to make any potential costumer