Circumstances are the creatures of man.” Macbeth, throughout the play, is presented as one much above the ordinary beings, and, as such, he fulfils the basic -requirements of being a tragic hero. Shakespeare, introduces him as a brave general, a bold, resolute man of action who through as also referred to “Valor’s minion”, “Bellona’s bridegroom’’, the king’s ‘’valiant cousin’’, a very “eagle’’ among ‘’sparrows’’, a ‘’lion’’ among ‘’hares’’. It is a play, which is depicting a complete destruction, wrestling with creation. It is a study of the disintegration and damnation of a man. And yet, Macbeth is a ‘tragic hero’. Here presents, the hero’s complete symbolic life-journey in a reflective pattern to ensure the only operation of evil in this world.
‘Macbeth: “Come, let me clutch thee:
I have thee not,fatal vision,sensible
To feeling as to sight?” ‘ In the third scene of the first act of the play though the hero accepts evil overtly, there is a suggestion that, even before the commencement of action of the play, he has fallen under the influence of evil.
‘Banquo : ..“Merciful powers,
Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature
Gives way to repose.” ‘ The Witches, merely prophecy certain things for Macbeth. They do not influence him in any concrete manner, but the effect of the prophecy is to make Macbeth, start as if he were already guilty of harboring dangerous ideas. It is a fact that his ambition impels him towards “the swelling act of the imperial theme”, though his conscience fills him with horror at the idea that has come to him about how to gain the throne.
‘Macbeth: “Come what come may,
Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” ‘ Macbeth, is the starkest and the least discursive of Shakespeare’s tragedies as Granville-Barker has pointed out. The deterioration of Macbeth’s
References: words, sentences, ideas.settings from ‘William Shakespeare’s Macbeth- A critical evaluation, Dr. S. Sen.)