
Supernatural Problems That Occur In Macbeth

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Macbeth is a play where every munder occurs due to another munder that occurred in the past. There is a beginning point for all the mishaps that have fallen into this play and it all begins with Lady Macbeth.she who initiated all of the actions in the play, however she did not pay the ultimate price.
Lady Macbeth initiated the chain of events in this play by starting off manipulating her husband Macbeth. " Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear And chastise with the valor of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round. " - Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene V. Pressuring, manipulating and forcing her own husband to kill Duncan, the King and Macbeth’s friend, Lady Macbeth placed her husband on such a large guilt trip it causes him to commit murder and kill the king and his once friends. Lady Macbeth’s pressure on Macbeth to kill Duncan caused a domino effect on the play.
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Every murder in Macbeth is connected and occurs because of the murder of Duncan. Once Duncan is murdered and Macbeth becomes King he becomes an evil and greedy man seeking for power. Supernatural problems strike Macbeth that make him unable to become sane. "Things without all remedy, should be without regard. What's done is done." - Lady Macbeth in Act III Scene II. Without a conscience giving instructions to Macbeth to forget about his wrongfulness. She could not help Macbeth, and due to his evilness, more murders begin to take place such as the murders of the Guards, Banquo, Lady Macduff and son, and

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