Many Supernatural season 12 fans are anxious to find out what Castiel is going to do to Lucifer. Some also can not wait for the Winchester brothers to reunite with their Mom, Mary, and hunt more demons. And when will Crowley, cites News Everyday, take hell back? However, the show runners did previously hint that they are going to focus on the human and more family side of the brothers.
With a story line such as that, the traffic light is set to orange. Will the episode finale of Supernatural season 12 be the end of it all? …show more content…
1.As previously mentioned, who else can top Chuck and Amara? They are the creator (and destroyer) siblings. Is there a bigger being out there that can pull the show’s rankings and tremor scale higher? In the beginning, Lucifer and Michael was it. But since Chuck and Amara are out on a vacay, it looks like the all powerfuls are out of the picture.
2.The show runners detailing that this time they want to focus on the Winchester family dynamic. Why did they decide to do this? It is because the brother’s past history is never put on the spotlight. They are a legacy but it was not their dad that brought them into hunting. It was their mom’s lineage that pushes them to hunt. Season 12 explores their origins. And after the origin story comes the end.
3.Castiel should be dead tired by now. He loves the brothers but he is a tired angel. Speculations indicate that after getting his revenge on Lucifer, he is going to take a vacay too. The guy needs it.
4.Crowley is the king of hell and a hellluva businessman. He keeps the balance of life in check, too. And he is anxious to take his job