Post-apartheid South Africa faces a major challenge in ensuring that local government, as the third tier of government closest to the people, provides optimal service delivery to the people of different culture, race and sex. The government is intent to modernize the management of public sector, to make it more people-friendly and sensitive to meeting the needs of the communities it serves. The provision of service delivery through effective and efficient supply chain processes is crucial. Section 217 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa requires an organ of state to contract for goods or services in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective. Most recently residents have embark on mass action to underline their demand for service from the municipalities. The fact that Supply Chain Management Regulations issued by National Treasury are so new to local government that their relevance in supporting the strategic objectives required to deliver service are not practiced. As a result supply chain management has become increasingly important tool to enhance service delivery in local government sector. Supply chain management is viewed as crucial in enhancing service delivery in that it will ensure that service will be delivered at the correct time, at the right price, location, quality and quantity that will satisfy the needs of the community. Therefore the objective is to effectively utilize the provisions of supply chain to enhance service delivery in local government. Most of municipalities’ failure to provide optimal service is as result of not incorporating supply chain management activities in their planning and delivering stages. Supply chain management is concerned as efforts to reduce inefficiencies and solve the problem of poor service delivery.
Supply chain management
References: • Struwig, F.W. & Stead, G.B. 2001. Planning, design and reporting research. Cape Town. Pearson Education South Africa. • De Vos, A.S. 1998. Research at grass roots. Pretoria. Van Schaik Publishers. • Creswell, J.W. 1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. London. Sage Publications, Inc. • Black, T.R. 1999. Doing Quantitative Research in the Social Science: An Integrated Approach to Research Design, Measurement and Statistics. London. Sage Publications, Inc. • Pretorious, D. and Schurink, W. 2007. Enhancing Service Delivery in Local Government: The case of a District Municipality. South African Journal of Human Resources Management, 5(3), 19-29. • Emfuleni Local Municipality. 2006. Supply Chain Management Policy and Procedures Manual.