Chao Hsuan, Liu (41845491)
Information systems (IS) for the supply chain management have become critical tools for synchronizing information among the customers and suppliers of a supply chain (McLaren et al., 2004). Moreover, the supply chain concept has become a concern because of global competition and increasing customer demand. Thus, the information must be available in real time across the supply chain and this cannot be achieved without an integrated information system for supply chain management. More importantly, information technologies enable firms to become more effective to trade with customers and suppliers through the Internet. The aim of this paper is to examine that the good implementation of the supply chain information systems in firms can facilitate increase in their competitiveness and their profits.
Keywords: information systems; supply chain management; information sharing.
Nowadays, firms are in the race of improving their organizational competitiveness in order to compete in the uncertain and emerging global market. Supply chain management (SCM) has become essential prerequisite for staying competitive in the global race and for enhancing profitably (Tan et al., 1998). Gunasekaran and Ngai (2004) also indicate that global market is completely connected and dynamic in nature. In addition, firms are trying to improve their agility level with the objective of being flexible and responsive in order to meet the changing market requirements. All of these factors emphasize the significance of information technology in integrating suppliers firms in virtual enterprise and supply chain. It is impossible to achieve an effective supply chain without good information systems. Because suppliers are located all over the world, it is necessary to integrate the operations both
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