1.0. Introduction
Internship report is a mandatory requirement of the Bachelor of Business
Administration degree of BRAC University. This report has been designed to portray my on the job internship with APL Logistics from the period of January to
April, 2007.
Being a Customer Service Representative of APL Logistics Limited, I had the opportunity to get attached with the supply chain or logistics management department. During my attachment with the logistics department, I accumulated as much knowledge as possible about the working procedure of this operation department of the company. In the internship report I will try to depict the whole procedure of a foreign customer who buy readymade garments from
2.0. Background
The NOL Group is an integrated transport solutions company, geared for today’s business environment. The Group’s core businesses each specialize in different aspects of transportation and logistics.
APL is a global top-10 container transportation company, providing services to more than 140 countries through a network combining world-class intermodal operations with leading-edge IT and e-commerce.
APL provides customers around the world with container transportation services through a network combining high-quality intermodal operations with state-ofthe-art information technology.
APL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore-based Neptune Orient Lines, a global transportation and logistics company engaged in shipping and related
businesses. APL help customers grow their business – whether that is venturing into new territories, exploring new business opportunities, or growing in already developed markets. With more than 150 years’ experience, APL has the knowledge and the expertise to help you negotiate the increasingly complex and ever-changing global marketplace.
Their partnership with some of the world’s best-known brands