Support children and young people to achieve their learning potential
Tutor / Assessor signature and date
Activity 1
(1.1, 1.2)
a) Look up the legislation that affects children or young people’s access to education and learning opportunities. Explain the main points in your own words.
Children’s act 2004 - Every Child Matters – Children, as well as being kept safe from harm should also be able to achieve their educational needs.
Education act 2006 - The act imposes various minimum standards for independent schools in areas such as health and safety and have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils.
Equality act 2010 – Allows children regardless of race, sexual orientation and disability to have access to some form of education.
Education and Inspections Act 2006 - This Act gave schools and local authority’s responsibilities with regard to bullying. It gives responsibility for schools to encourage good behavior and respect for others and in particular preventing all forms of bullying among pupils.
Education and Inspections Act 2006 - gave schools new duties. Starting in 2007 schools were given the duty to promote community cohesion, to make the transition form the community to school a safe one.
b) How have policies influenced access to learning opportunities for children and young people?
These individually assist in binging together legislation, policy & guidance to inform and influence the daily practice of a registered childcare establishment, setting out the requirements for a provider's operational policies and procedures. The child has the opportunities to take an active part in shaping the way they receive education and the running of local and national organisations. They have a right to be involved in the decisions that affect them. This is promoted in law, policy and guidance such as Every