The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum covers all subject areas that must be taught in schools to all pupils, where it is divided into statutory and non-statutory frameworks. The statutory frameworks set out exactly what and how to teach and covers all subject except RE and PSHE. These have a non-statutory framework which sets out what you need to cover but only gives you guidance and ideas on how this can be done and this can be adapted to suit local community needs or diversity. Medium Term and Weekly Planning
From these frameworks, which are set out in Key Stages and year groups, we produce our
Medium Term Planning for each subject area which set out large objectives which need to be met by each child. Each teacher then prepares their weekly plans and breaks these down into more detailed objectives.
From here we need to devise learning activities to ensure they cover the objectives set as well as being engaging and fun for the children. It is vital that these activities are carefully thought through as they need to include the correct use of resources (including support staff) adequate planning and differentiation to provide the vital learning provision or development in all areas of literacy. The teacher is then able to check the progression of skills from week to week to ensure the children are on track to achieve the overall objective and aims in literacy development which are reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and speaking and listening. Personal Reflection and Evaluation
The performance of support staff is just as important as teacher assessment as this can have an impact on the learning activities and the progress made by the children. Although we may have pre-conceived ideas or different opinions or values about a certain subject, we need to ensure that we can put these to one side to support the learning of the children effectively and without steering them to a particular point of view. Constantly reflecting