Ethical considerations have been covered by names being changed, protecting all identities of settings and individuals. Consent forms have been signed. Parents have been advised of the right to withdraw.
Part 1
The child I have chosen to focus on is a 3 year old girl who I will refer to as Liz. She lives with both parents and has an older sibling who is of primary school age. Mum is expecting a baby in June. I have been providing day care for Liz for the past 10 months. Observations made of Liz for this assignment were made over a two week period.
The main environment I use is my home setting as I am a registered childminder. I visit local settings with the children in my care such as playgroups, libraries, and parks on a regular basis as these environments provide equipment and resources that I do not have in my setting i.e. large outside apparatus, area’s for messy play, song, rhyme and rhythm time and enables Liz to partake in activities and experiences within a larger group of children. ‘ Enjoying informal activities, such as singing, chanting nursery rhymes, joining in with acting songs, sharing books and oral stories and playing and listening games, makes an important contributions to literacy development and is essential to the learning environment that early years practitioners must provides’ (Study Topic 14, p.44)
For this assignment I have chosen communication and language (CLL) in conjunction with the assigned area of personal, social and emotional development (PSED) because language and communication is an essential part of our personal and social development, concurring with the Open University (OU) saying “it supports the development of knowledge and understanding of the world, expressive, aesthetic and creative growth, and mathematical, scientific and technological learning’ (Study Topic 13, p.11)
I work within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Guidance, which advises the PSED early learning goals