
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Unit 203

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Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Unit 203
Unit 203
Outcome one
It is a normal part of growing up for children to fall out have disagreements and arguments from time to time and to always get on with everybody.As a teaching assistant it is part of your duty to ensure the children feel safe and protected from harm,it’s a very delicate subject to tackle and to balance it correctly when things go wrong with the children as it can often be your instinct to get involved and sort things out for them but if you do you are stopping the children learning themselves there responsabilty and own desitions although there can be times when things are to difficult and overwhelming for the children to cope with on there owns and they will need the adult advice and support ,most there arguments are normal everyday kinds of conflict that happen all the times within schools and them most of the time will not need adult help,children after a while will learn how to deal with them themselves,when adults are needed they often do it in the following way…
• Listen to children from both sides,so they both get to have there say.
• Reflect back to them for example “I can see why your upset” “I understand why your annoyed”.
• Give the children to chance to sort the problem out for him/her selfs,or ask if they need your help in sorting it.
• Depending on there answer if the children does not get involved then they will leave when they have witnessed the children have sorted it,if the adult does get involved then they will need to talk to both children so the children can see there not taking sides as children can get very frustrated and upset if they feel they are not being treated fairly.
• Listen carefully to both children while making sure they understand to respect the other childs chance to speak.
• Then they might offer a solution to resolve the problem for example...”are you still playing with the cars?”,”yes”,”ok,will you pass the cars onto bobby when you`ve finished please?”
• Ask for agreement from both

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