Grammar school
Grammar schools are state schools. The age range for a grammar school is usually between 11 and 16. To attend a grammar school you have to be selected based on your ability. A test called the 11+ is taken, and if you pass, you can attend that school. The school is also selective about who takes the test or has the most chance of passing. Grammar school classes are a lot smaller and therefore each child gets higher support. There is often more than one teacher per class. There are not however many grammar schools around as there used to be. Grammar schools are inspected by OFSTED.
Secondary sports academy
This would be a normal secondary school with added extra ‘top notch’ facilities for sport. The age range is 11-16. The school would be classed as an academy for sports if it had more modern and extra facilities for sports than a secondary school would normally have. This is a state run school. Young people who would attend this academy would usually want to go there because of the sports and not just because of the secondary school. You can also get academy secondary schools in other subject areas, often arts or technology. These schools are inspected by OFSTED.
Community primary school
A community primary school is a school for ages 3-11 where the junior and infant school are classed as one rather than split up into two parts. It is a state run school and attendants are usually local to the school. The school accepts any child from any standard or background. Many schools of this type exist, although a lot have now split into two parts, the infant and the junior. Community primary schools are inspected by OFSTED.
Special school
Special schools are state run schools. They cover from reception age to year 11, but not necessarily at the same location. The school is for children with special educational needs. Some children with SEN can go to community primary schools or ordinary