Images are a complex communication tool – the intention of the creator and the interpretation of the viewer may not be harmonizing. While Bra Boys seeks to criticise their infamous reputation as an anti-social and law-breaking gang, the construction of the documentary has reinforced that dominant representation of the surf group. Sunny Abberton’s documentary of dissent, Bra Boys (2007) is constructed to critique the dominant representation of the notorious societal group – “Bra Boys” by telling the story from the point of view directly from the underbelly of Maroubra itself. The documentary attempts to utilise viewing conventions of selection of detail, symbolism and audio codes to portray “Bra Boys” as a constructive support framework of surfers but with deeper analysis, there is evidence that those codes effectively does both- reinforces and critiques the dominant representation of the surf gang. This is most evident in the retelling of the brawl between the “Bra Boys” and the police force.…
In Surf-Cultural Evolution (Amphibious Sedan), Mombassa illustrates a subtle cultural background including native Australian animals such as a koala and possum. Mombassa uses satire through the holden sedan on the water as it juxtaposes an object man made and mother nature. The close proximity of the sky and the water represents imagination and irony. The artwork highlights Australian stereotypes in which Australians are big surfers and we all drive holden sedans. As the Australian man in the picture is driving a holden sedan on the ocean suggesting that surfing is second nature to an…
This article was written to inform the Sydney side readers about the cultural change teenagers are embracing. Molitorisz refers to “new breeds” as in new groups that are around and she lists them all as well as gives a brief but informative paragraph about each group and how they act and what they do in this article. The main theme is undeniably belonging but other themes touched are change as well as value.…
Life in America during the 1950 's was often described as somewhat sterile, orderly, and convenient.The media made this time period out to look like families were happy and joyous , when in reality it was time of stressed out families in the pursuit of the suburban dream life. The children of these families began to reject the lifestyles and values that their parents lead. As these children matured the 60 's began and this was the beginning of the counterculture movement. These children matured and began to make their own counter culture, consisting of sex, drugs, and rock 'n ' roll. The violence in Vietnam inspired these kids. They grew tired of it and wanted to spread peace and love. These times were characterized by passionate idealists seeking peace and a more loving world, dangerous radicals fomenting revolution, as well as non-conformists refusing to live by the laws in America. Some of these people were on ending the Vietnam war, Civil rights, or starting…
A documentary demonstrates an interpretation of the truth by attempting to persuade an audience to side with the makers to endorse their interpretations of issues and events. In the instance Bra boys; Blood is thicker then water, directed by Sunny Abberton, the Bra Boys gang is viewed as a imitation of a prodigious brotherhood gang of surfers that are victims from occurrences and backgrounds opposed to a gang that dispute with the law by an act of violence. The Bra Boys have interpreted issues and events by emphasizing the importance of family, belonging, brotherhood and multiculturalism. The use of presenting constructed footage and personal interviews endorses viewers to see the Bra Boys from a positive light, boys who are role models to younger generations of surfers and accept multiculturalism. Events and reenactments within the film proves this documentary is a interpretation of the truth made to display Bra Boys from a positive light therefore it can not be trusted. These challenge Societies dominate social attitudes and values towards Bra Boys.…
First of all, the Socs and the Greasers both drink and smoke, which leads them to do very bad things. Smoking and drinking can cause many problems for teenagers. In the article “Cool at 13, Adrift at 23”, it explains these effects, “Now in their early 20s, many of them have had difficulties with intimate relationships, alcohol and marijuana, and even criminal activity.” The Socs think they are so cool because they…
Since pop culture permeates into every corner of American society, the focus of staying youthful in America started, and has continued to stay, there. In the 1940's, every adult male was dressed nicely at a sporting event, but now, a “good part of the wearing jeans and team caps and T-shirts...” (par. 2). Life in America has become more casual, due to the relaxed attitude stemming from the 1950's. Epstein does not like this. He seems to feel like America is losing strength as a respectable nation because most of the adults in the country do not want to grow up and take on their adult responsibilities and dress codes. Epstein has not completely given up on middle aged America yet. According to him, “There still are adults in America...Alan Greenspan, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Robert Rubin, Warren Buffett, Sol Linowitz...”(par.8). This list seems impressive, but since the average teenage reader may not recognize any of the names his list, the allusion he presents is wasted on a younger audience. It may work on the older readers who the author may be trying to alert of the youth culture shift, but the list may still be outdated. According to Epstein, “The shift into youth culture began in...[with]…
The Bra Boy’s value towards the beach is shown to be their lifesaver. The beach and surf is everything to them. Sunny Abberton, a Bra boy said “The surf, had saved so many kids around here, that have led them to a lifestyle of the ocean instead of a lifestyle in crime.” Showing that the beach has saved them on accounts and they have an optimistic value of the beach.…
The 1950s and 1960s were times of unprecedented change, and Australian society was influenced greatly by American popular culture, through various mediums, such as: music, film, television and fashion. This especially affected teenagers. It will be explained how Australian society was impacted by American popular culture, and also why American popular culture had such an affect. Australian developed its own responses to these influences, and the extent of this will also be explored.…
A montage in the film’s opening credits shows teenagers surfing and having fun on the beach. Shots of teens surfing successfully are mixed in with scenes of people falling off their boards and ‘wiping out’. Part of the appeal of surfing may be the risk involved; the teenagers are rejecting the safe, over-protective world established for them by their parents.…
3. Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms: Pop Culture of 20th Century America. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 4: 1960s-1970s. Detroit: UXL, 2002. P862-864. “Berg”…
You are required to select a youth subculture and undertake research to answer the following questions. (If you identify as a member of a youth subculture then select a different subculture to increase your own knowledge of diversity).…
During the 1960s their were many changes and social movements. A few of these include movements centred around race, feminism, anti-war protests and counter culture. The most notable of these movements was the counter culture revolution because it involved all the other topics within itself. The counter culture movement of the 1960s contains the concerns of race, feminism, status quo’s & war. This movement changed the identity of the newest generations and has changed the way our modern world is perceived today. One of the strongest influences that motivated this change and that still induces today, was the pop culture of that time, including, fashion, media and music.…
This essay will be reflecting upon how culture can influence individuals by the analysis of the Cronulla riots of 2005. It will touch on and emphasise how differing perspectives, thoughts, ideals and values are determined by a variety of cultural backgrounds and how in essence this defines each individual from the next. The experiences mentioned in this essay are of my own along with those of friends and family members that witnessed the cultural clash on December 11th 2005.…
I was six years old when my father strapped me into my first pair of skis, “Skiing is way more fun than snowboarding. Snowboarding isn’t even a real sport,” he jokingly told me while putting on his own skis. Little did my father know I would later become a snowboarder at the age of twelve, following the example of my mother and two brothers. During my junior year at age sixteen, I joined the brand new snowboarding club at Blackfoot High School. Although the club only functioned for a year, I realized that small, northern towns like Blackfoot Idaho were full of winter sport fanatics. This thought brought a question to my mind; are there schools in the U.S. that have snowboarding as an actual high school sport? After more research on the subject, I found that only a few private boarding schools around the country offer snowboarding as an actual school sport. Public high schools usually include sports that require physical exertion, competition and a way to generate revenue like football, basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball and much more, so I asked myself; why not snowboarding?…