“Balance is the most important thing to learn as a surfer” (Amezdroz et al. 2004). Balance is the even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. This means that when I’m surfing I will be able to maintain balance as I’m riding the wave. There are a variety of exercises you can do to improve your balance such as; Beam walks, stork stand test and a wide variety of others. An area which is vital to your balance is your centre of gravity, if your centre of gravity is too high to low or outside your body then it will be very hard to surf in a straight line.
“Centre of gravity, the point at which all of the weight of an object appears to be concentrated” (Unknown, 2013). Centre of gravity is very important in surfing because having a high centre of gravity means that it is harder to balance. Centre of gravity and balance work together, having a strong and wide base of support by bending your knees will lower your centre of gravity and make it easier to balance. When people fall off there surf board it is usually because their centre of gravity is outside of their body meaning that without another force acting upon them they will fall. Keeping your centre of gravity is important, you can do this by bending your knees and having your feet slightly wider then shoulder width. In turn will lower your centre of gravity, placing this point just above the board and inside your body, this will allow you to stay balanced.
In this footage, you can see my weight is too far forward and I get up to slow making the transition not fluent. In order to