
Surgical Experience Lab Report

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Surgical Experience

Prior To Surgical Experience:

1.Sterile Field
Before surgery is performed surgical drapes should be put in place to establish an aseptic barrier minimizing the passage of microorganisms from nonsterile to sterile areas.
Only Sterile items should be in the sterile field.
Sterile to Sterile ideas should be in place
Open any sterile packages away from body to the sides and than towards your body
Make sure sterile area does not become wet if so then you must set up a new field
Never reach over sterile field
Never turn back on sterile field
General and Local Anesthesia:
General: Blocks all body sensations and cause unconsciousness, relaxation and loss of reflexes.
Local, Regional, conduction blocks, or spinal anesthetics disrupt sensation to specific body areas or parts, without causing unconsciousness.
States of General Anesthesia:
Stage I: The beginning anesthesia when reflexes present, heart rate normal, slower rate and increased depth of respiration, normal blood pressure (BP), some dilation of eyes with reaction to light.
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This physician used an epidural block in the epidural space, Facet Joint Medial Nerve Branch Block, and a selective block which are done to the nerves in the neck through sacrum area the back. Patients are positioned on their side for neck injections and in a prone position for back injections. A Sterile Tray is then set up and all material the Physician will need at the time of procedure including medications for injections that will take place. A X-ray machine is placed over patient to help guide physician to place the needle in the correct nerve in the back or neck. A durabond dressing is put in place to cover puncture marks from injections. This procedure is for trauma, arthritis or chronic pain to the neck through sacrum area of the back patients will feel relief from hours to weeks after

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