Fast pace, excitement, and blood are a few descriptive words used to describe a surgical technologist. A surgical technologist is part of a team in the operating room that assist the surgeon during an operation. The surgical technologist can referred to as scrub tech or surgical tech. In the operating room there is no room for eras, so details are key to successes. There is not a lot of writing in the surgically technologist field, but the small amount of writing that is done would be considered informative because it is tells step by step process on how a process is done. The whole operating room runs on a step by step process in order to react to any situation. Some will consider the operating room …show more content…
If the surgical technologist is able to predict what surgeries he or she is doing a day prior then they can make a generic case study to help things flow when they arrive in the operating room. According to a case study is a documented specific-real-life situation used as a training guide (BD dictionary,2016). In the surgical technologist field they are used help the surgical technologist study different cases, and to be the best surgical tech possible. Case studies consist of surgeons name, patient diagnosis, surgical procedure, position of patient, devices such as a drill, if any catheters or stents are needed, tourniquets (if needed), instruments, sharps such as needles or knife blades, medication, and a brief description procedure step by step (Goldman, 2008). In some cases there is not time to prepare a case study, so those situation the scrub tech can take notes during surgery and make the case plan after …show more content…
When it comes to writing labels it is very crucial to ensure that spelling and order are correct. Two types of labeling done in the emergency field are medications and specimens. When it comes to labeling medication the minimum information needed on the label is the name of medicine, strength, concentration and expiration date. (Fuller & Armistead, 2013, p.261). What happens is the circulator pours medication into medicine cup or pitcher. As the circulator is pouring medication the scrub tech is verifying medicine and filling out the label with the medication name, strength, concentration, and date.. Then the surgical tech places label the medicine cup, or pitcher (Fuller & Armistead, 2013, p.433). For example the circulator walks up to the scrub tech back table and pour Xylocaine, with a strength of 1%, is concentrated with epinephrine and expiration date is June 1, 2016. As the circulator is telling the scrub what is being poured the scrub writes on the label: Xylocaine with epi 1% 10/16. The next item to label is towards the end of the case, a specimen. When labeling a specimen labeling ensure to have positive site identification by the read back verification (AORN, 2016 ). Site identification includes confirming location of specimen, which can be anything from tissue, foreign object or body substance (Fuller & Armistead, 2013, p. 433). Before placing the specimen in