References: n introduction to criminological theory; third edition, Roger Hopkins Burke, Williampublishing, Willan; 3 edition (1 May 2009) Bentham, J. 1789; An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation BBC, Britain is 'surveillance society ', Richard Thomas 2006 used on 08/01/2012 accessed at:, 6th May 2008, CCTV Boom 'failing to cut crime ', Retrieved May 6th 2008 from BBC, 6th May 2008, CCTV Boom 'failing to cut crime ', Retrieved May 6th 2008 from Criminal Justice: Local and Global edited by Deborah Drake, John Muncie, Louise Westmarland Willan (1 Oct 2009) Consultation on code of practice relating to surveillance cameras; Home Office 2011Grabosky, P. and R. Smith (1998). Crime in the Digital Age: Controlling Telecommunications and Cyberspace Illegalities, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. Home Office, Access to Communications Data-Respecting Privacy and Protecting the Public from Crime, March 2003. Foucault, Michael. 1977. Discipline and Punishment. London: Tavistock. Michael Foucault Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison; Vintage; 2nd Edition edition (April 25, 1995) Rowland D. and Macdonald E.: Information Technology Law Cavendish Publishing Limited, 3rd Edition 2005 Journals and Publications Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond Volume 10; Mathieu Deflem 2008 Emerald Group Publishing Surveillance in society The effective and proportionate use of surveillance and state databases is a delicate balancing act; 2010 Richard ThomasThe national archives, Data protection act 1998 used 07/01/2013 accessed at: The national archives, Human Rights Act 1998 used 07/01/2013 accessed at:, R., Caeti, T., Loper, D. Fritsch, E. and J. Liederbach (2006). Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall.The Telegraph, Time for some realism over the 7/7 bombings ; 2009 used on 08/01/2013 accessed at:, R. (2003). “After 9/11: A Surveillance State?” in C. Brown (ed.) Lost Liberties: Ashcroft and the Assault on Personal Freedom, pp. 52-74,New York: The New Press.Word Count: 2000
References: n introduction to criminological theory; third edition, Roger Hopkins Burke, Williampublishing, Willan; 3 edition (1 May 2009) Bentham, J. 1789; An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation BBC, Britain is 'surveillance society ', Richard Thomas 2006 used on 08/01/2012 accessed at:, 6th May 2008, CCTV Boom 'failing to cut crime ', Retrieved May 6th 2008 from BBC, 6th May 2008, CCTV Boom 'failing to cut crime ', Retrieved May 6th 2008 from Criminal Justice: Local and Global edited by Deborah Drake, John Muncie, Louise Westmarland Willan (1 Oct 2009) Consultation on code of practice relating to surveillance cameras; Home Office 2011Grabosky, P. and R. Smith (1998). Crime in the Digital Age: Controlling Telecommunications and Cyberspace Illegalities, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. Home Office, Access to Communications Data-Respecting Privacy and Protecting the Public from Crime, March 2003. Foucault, Michael. 1977. Discipline and Punishment. London: Tavistock. Michael Foucault Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison; Vintage; 2nd Edition edition (April 25, 1995) Rowland D. and Macdonald E.: Information Technology Law Cavendish Publishing Limited, 3rd Edition 2005 Journals and Publications Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond Volume 10; Mathieu Deflem 2008 Emerald Group Publishing Surveillance in society The effective and proportionate use of surveillance and state databases is a delicate balancing act; 2010 Richard ThomasThe national archives, Data protection act 1998 used 07/01/2013 accessed at: The national archives, Human Rights Act 1998 used 07/01/2013 accessed at:, R., Caeti, T., Loper, D. Fritsch, E. and J. Liederbach (2006). Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall.The Telegraph, Time for some realism over the 7/7 bombings ; 2009 used on 08/01/2013 accessed at:, R. (2003). “After 9/11: A Surveillance State?” in C. Brown (ed.) Lost Liberties: Ashcroft and the Assault on Personal Freedom, pp. 52-74,New York: The New Press.Word Count: 2000