U.Venkateshwarlu #1
#1 M.Tech,Computer Science and Engineering , JNTUH
Hyderabad, AP, INDIA
1 uvenkatesh905@gmail.com
Puppala Priyanka *2
2 M.Tech,Computer Science and Engineering , JNTUH
Hyderabad, AP, INDIA
2 priya.puppala9@gmail.com
Abstract— Data mining techniques are very important in the cloud computing paradigm. The integration of data mining techniques with Cloud computing allows the users to extract useful information from a data warehouse that reduces the costs of infrastructure and storage. Security and privacy of user’s data is a big concern when data mining is used with cloud computing. Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services of the internet. An important security concern is privacy attacks based on data mining involving analyzing data over a long period to extract valuable information. In this dissertation our main objective is to provide information with the help of which we can make data secure from unauthorized users. As uses of data come on front we have to face concept of data mining. Data Mining is a field where accuracy matters a lot. Data mining techniques and applications are very much needed in the cloud computing paradigm. The implementation of data mining techniques through Cloud computing will allow the users to retrieve meaningful information from virtually integrated data warehouse that reduces the costs of infrastructure and storage.
Keywords— Cloud Computing, Data mining, privacy preserving.
I. Introduction
The Internet is becoming a surprisingly vital tool in our daily life, both professional and personal, as its users are becoming more numerous. The Cloud, as it is often referred to, involves using computing resources – hardware and software – that are delivered as a service over the Internet. At an equally significant extent in recent years, data mining techniques have evolved and