March 30, 2008
Survival Guide
Start by getting your computer ready. Have plenty of memory, ink for the printer and paper. Tell all friends and family that you are in college; you have no time and please do not bother me. I will always eat before I start on the computer. I do not want to be hungry while I am reading or typing and I want to avoid snacking while on the computer to avoid weight gain. I will go to the bathroom and get a tall glass of ice water before getting on the computer. Have a good relationship with your counselor, because you never know when you might need them. Invest in Simon & Schuster’s book, “Handbook for Writers” and a good dictionary, because sometimes the spell checker does not help.
This handbook will help you with audience, tone, purpose, and structure with all your writing assignments.
Print out all course materials before starting college online; learn any techniques or tricks to using the programs of your computer. Learn Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc… One of the simplest tasks I learned before starting online was a different way of copying. If you have to transfer any material to another file or program, you can use control A to highlight all the text, then control C to copy all the text, then go to where you need to transfer the text and hit control V to paste all the text. I had always used copy and paste, but even with that, sometimes the text is messed up or missing. By using the control A, C, & V, it works so much better. Take advantage of printing out your learning materials for each week, so you can take it with you anywhere to study when you have a break. This also helps get you away from the computer for a while.
Download any materials onto a portable device, such as an I-Pod, thumb drive, or even some cell phones. Again, this will help you get away from the computer for a while. I can exercise while listening to my studies or at work; I can