II.|Susan owns several rental apartments. She arranges for repairs and maintenance, pays for the expenses related to the property, and handles all leasing activities.|…
She tracks her interactions and often completes the task ahead of time. She demonstrates a calm and professional demeanor with management, co-workers and callers. She works the agent line diligently. Her being receptive to constructive criticism has resulted in a better work environment for…
She is a dependable and extremely detail-oriented stylist who will add to the success of any project. Whether her responsibilities…
Pam is wonderful at being polite and respectful to every caller. Her main struggle is with remembering procedures and protocols. On her last call monitoring she didn't follow the new look up protocol after she was clearly told. She had to be reminded again and given examples. When she is faced with a procedure that she doesn't do everyday repetitively, she seems lost. Pam is always willing to pause her calls and ask for assistance to proceed with the call correctly. She has a positvie attitude and is always open to instructions. Overall, she is a good agent with limited capabilities to take on all additional clients because of her struggles with quality focus.…
This is because she is good at holding people accountable. In fact, when she is part of a group which aims at accomplishing a given goal, she does what she is supposed to do to meet her the goal and remind others to complete their tasks on time. For example, if she is part of a group which researching about a given issue, she would work on what she is support to work so as to complete the research and check if the rest of the group has done its part. This makes her excellent. I remember when we were working on a presentation, she was the one who reminded everyone to complete his/her assigned task. By the end, our presentation was excellent because of her good job.…
Mrs. Laraby is a manager that is in charge of scheduling, hiring, and firing. She promotes a relaxed and casual work environment, but always expects her employees to follow the company guidelines. The staff has a great deal of respect for Mrs. Laraby and even jokes around with her.…
During your career you will come across difficult people with which you work. While most people are helpful and nice to be around, the top three most difficult co-workers will make your day challenging and frustrating. Wherever these personality types are concentrated, there will be a general lowering of morale in the department. Learning to classify these types of personalities will better equip you to keep your perspective in your relational issues in the workplace. Where people are working toward a common goal, Complaining Charlie, Know-it-All Ken, and Gossiping Gail will be in attendance and you will come into contact with each over the course of your day.…
Jennie- I am capable of whatever the team needs. I enjoy power points, and I am not great at excel.. I am willing to do whatever necessary to help the team. I am NOT available on Sunday, I try to complete all team assignments by Saturday to give ample time for assignments to be composed and reviewed.…
After that question, we attempted to lighten things up, so I asked her to describe herself to me in one word. Vicky labeled herself as a problem solver, and labels her common sense and ability to prioritize as her best traits that allow her to do her work diligently. Vicky’s prioritization is what stood out to me from the moment I began working with her, as in one morning she had to complete a presentation, reach out to three clients, meet with Carrey, the supervising attorney, and give me instructions within four hours. When I brought up this observation to Vicky, she said that she tries to “prioritize tasks and put into perspective that people’s lives are at stake. Real people”, but overall thinks she could grow in that area of her work.…
2. Derives power from respect that she gets from co-workers. They respect her because of her experience and work ethics…
(4) uses of energy in biological processes (B); active transport; muscle contraction; nerve transmission; synthesis; translocation; nitrogen fixation; receptors…
* Pass or fail? Grade Susan on her management skills, techniques, and overall performance. Explain what she should have done differently or better.…
If I was a co-worker, working alongside someone like David Armstrong I would find myself perplexed about how inhumane they would be treating the inmates. I think that the best way to resolve this issue is to start by limiting, as much as possible, their contact with the inmates. If the situation called for it, I would be the one to deal the inmates. I would try my best to never allow them to be with one of the inmates alone in the room together. And if this co-worker was bold enough to abuse someone right in front of me I would immediately pull them off of the inmate and report the incident to a supervisor. I would hope that this would be enough to either relocate them to a position that didn’t allow them to deal with the inmates, or…
Donna illustrates many traits for a successful leader. She communicates a vision that is shared by the community and employees by being clear and passionable. She gains trust of her employees by going out and interacting with them. Donna empowers her employees to achieve the goals in hand. She shows openness to her employees by listening to their ideas and supporting them to achieve them. She leads in a way by showing empathy, being supportive of needs, showing trust, allowing employees to participate in decision making process, and asking for input for future goals. She shows her dedication to the community and employees and as a result she gains trust and integrity. She uses the relations orientation and participating style of sharing ideas. She acts like a role model to her employees and uses the mentor approach because that is how she was taught and learned from. Some characteristics that she contributed to her success are attentiveness, confident, energetic, efficient, compassionate, honest, maturity, enthusiastic, skillful, considerate, reliable, trustworthy, pleasant, responsible, calm, and motivated.…
1. Identify each of the services that Susan Monro has used or is planning to use. Categorized them according to the nature of the underlying process.…