Successful individuals and organisations do things better, smarter and more productively while reducing their everyday environmental impacts. To bring a global perspective to your learning in 2012 we will focus on sustainable practices in Norway and or Mongolia and compare the sustainable practices in those countries to Australian practices.
Choose ONE (1) of the following topics and write NO MORE than 2000 words EXCLUDING in text referencing, bibliography and appendices. PROJECTS to be written on A4 paper Arial 9 font and margins top/bottom 2.5cm and left/right 2.0cm 1.5 line spacing.
(NOTE: you will lose marks if you do not follow these instructions to the cm!)
On average ONE (1) 1.5 line spaced page is roughly 400 words so no more than 6 pages of text excluding diagrams, in-text referencing, bibliography and appendices. It takes considerable writing skill to include all salient points succinctly into only 2000 words. The ability to write clearly, succinctly, coherently is a craft – you will be expected to demonstrate your written skills - please do not leave to last minute.
Your Project Report must have ONE STAPLE in top left corner – no fancy binding.
Identify an innovative sustainable product, process, service, program, project or initiative (PPSPPI) that exists in either Norway or Mongolia (that cannot be found in Australia) but can be adapted to the Australian environment and write a submission to the appropriate body or organisation recommending uptake of the PPSPPI. (note: your PPSPPI does NOT have to relate to the urban development environment – it can be anything that is innovative and sustainable).
B. Write a LITERATURE REVIEW comparing a sustainable and innovative urban development practice, currently being practiced in either Norway OR Mongolia, to Australian practice.
Below are some headings, questions and considerations that could be addressed in either your