I. In preparing for this speech I decided to choose something related to my field of study. After searching through several journals I came across one titled: Sustainable Buildings, Applying Prevention Through Design. A. The journal article was published by Professional Safety. Jun2013, Vol. 58 Issue 6, p76-80. 5p. B. This article was contributed to by three authors: Mohammed Albattah, a graduate student from the University of Colorado at Boulder who is a LEED Green Associate, Marielle Roucheray, a former graduate research assistant within the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at University of Colorado at Boulder, and lastly Matthew Hallowell, a Ph.D. who is the assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at University of Colorado at Boulder. C. This article goes into detail about a new tool that AEC (Architects, Engineers, and Contractors) can use when constructing a sustainable building using the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program.
II. I chose this article because having been in construction for twenty years I have seen a great deal of injuries that could've been avoided. I am a supporter of the LEED's certification program but at the same time I understand the extra sustainability can and does lead to injuries or deaths.
III. The authors' thesis explains what LEED is, why it can cause more injury than typical construction, and a new model they believe can be used to decrease such injuries when working on a sustainable project.
IV. From the above mentioned article I will be discussing three main points: LEED, injuries sustained as a result of certain credits being sought after in the LEED's certification program, and finally the new tool proposed by the authors of this article that can decrease such sustainable construction injuries.
I. LEED or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design was